2023 Award Winner

Brand Strategy

Have great stories

Brand StrategyEdgar Allan | Brand Strategy | Webflow Agency

How does Edgar Allan describe brand strategy?

At Edgar Allan we view brand strategy as identifying the story of a brand and how best to communicate that story to your target audience. Part of our process with brand strategy includes exploring as many options as possible to determine the best way for you to solidify your brand in the minds and hearts of consumers.

What makes an Edgar Allan brand strategy unique from other agencies?

What makes Edgar Allan unique as an agency when it comes to brand strategy is that we are heavily story focused. The story of your brand is always what comes first, it should be seen as the heart of your brand when developing the brand strategy for your business. 

We understand the power of story and that without a compelling story a brand is destined to underperform. We also understand that it’s not enough to just simply have a story that matters but also how that story is told. 

The Edgar Allan team delves deep into the story of your brand and with our other services like Audience Discovery, Journey Mapping, UX Architecture and User Research to determine not only your brand strategy but also  the best way in which to tell the story of your brand through how your website looks and functions as well as how the content on your website it written and laid out.

Do all brands need a brand strategy or is it only for certain brands?

No matter the shape or size of your business, having a strong brand strategy is definitely advised.

Brand strategy provides a well thought out direction for your brand to move in. Think of your brand as a ship and the brand strategy as the ship's maps, star charts, GPS and sonar. Without those things your ship would be lost; drifting from one desert island to the next or even worse: stranded or wrecked. Having a brand strategy in place can help your ship avoid stormy waters and islands inhabited by tribes of cannibals and instead guide you smoothly toward an abundant paradise.

Even the smallest of ships need to navigate their way through the waters of marketing. It’s the same for businesses and the ocean of marketing can be full of hurricanes and whirlpools.

Developing  a strong brand strategy can also be helpful for decision making far into the future. When faced with a choice to make about a new campaign or business opportunity you can ask yourself questions like: Is this on brand for us? Is this something our brand should align itself with? Does this fall in line with the things our brand values and supports?

Having a well developed brand strategy will help provide the right answers to all these questions, help avoid doing damage to your brand and help your brand stay on course with its story and what it stands for.

What are some reasons that brand strategies fail?

Simply not having a brand strategy is a good way to ensure unfavorable results for your brand. But it could be argued that having the wrong brand strategy is worse.


  • If the story your brand is telling is not aligned with the values, goals, needs and wants of your target audience you are going to run into problems.

  • Your brand strategy should also not contradict itself. If your brand is rooted in Fun, Honesty and Caring for the Environment and your practices don’t reflect that then you are going to run into problems.

Three benefits of having a brand strategy

  1. Having a strong brand strategy helps provide long-term direction for your business.
  2. It helps your brand find its place among the correct audience and consumers.
  3. It can help provide answers when making decisions for your business.

Crafting an Effective Brand Strategy: Insights from Edgar Allan

Brand strategy refers to the long-term plan and actions taken by a business or organization to establish and develop its brand. It involves carefully defining and shaping the unique identity, positioning, and perception of a brand in the minds of consumers. Brand strategy encompasses various elements, such as brand values, brand personality, target audience, brand messaging, visual identity, and brand experience.

The goal of brand strategy is to create a strong and consistent brand that differentiates itself from competitors, resonates with the target audience, and builds trust and loyalty. It involves strategic decision-making, research, analysis, and implementation across multiple touchpoints to ensure that the brand's essence and message are effectively communicated and perceived.

A well-defined brand strategy guides all aspects of marketing and communication efforts, helping businesses align their messaging, imagery, and customer experience to create a cohesive and memorable brand presence. It provides a roadmap for brand growth, market positioning, and engagement with consumers, ultimately contributing to increased brand recognition, customer loyalty, and business success.

A well-executed brand strategy is the cornerstone of any successful marketing campaign. As a marketing agency, we understand the importance of developing a compelling brand identity that resonates with target audiences. In this blog post, we will explore the key elements of brand strategy and provide valuable insights into how businesses can create a powerful and memorable brand.

The first step in building a strong brand strategy is to define your brand. This involves clearly understanding your business's mission, vision, and values. It's crucial to determine your unique selling proposition (USP) and identify what sets you apart from your competitors. Conducting market research and gathering customer insights can help you gain a deeper understanding of your target audience and their needs. By aligning your brand with your target customers' desires, you can develop a brand identity that speaks directly to them.

Once you have defined your brand, it's essential to establish brand guidelines that govern how your brand is portrayed across all channels. These guidelines encompass elements such as your logo, color palette, typography, tone of voice, and imagery. Consistency is key here, as it fosters brand recognition and builds trust among consumers. Ensure that your brand guidelines are easily accessible to all stakeholders, including internal teams and external partners, to ensure a cohesive brand experience across all touchpoints.

Every successful brand has a compelling story behind it. A well-crafted brand story connects emotionally with your audience, fostering a sense of loyalty and authenticity. Identify the key aspects of your brand's history, purpose, and values, and weave them together to create a narrative that resonates. Use storytelling techniques to engage your audience and evoke emotions that align with your brand's identity. Communicate your brand story consistently through your marketing materials, website, social media, and other communication channels.

Understanding your target audience is crucial for effective brand strategy. Conduct thorough market research to segment your audience based on demographics, psychographics, and behaviors. By tailoring your messaging and communication to specific audience segments, you can create a more personalized and relevant brand experience. Leverage data analytics and consumer insights to refine your targeting over time, ensuring that your brand resonates with the right people at the right time.

In a competitive marketplace, it's vital to position your brand in a way that differentiates it from competitors. Identify your unique value proposition and communicate it clearly to your target audience. Highlight what makes your brand special, whether it's exceptional quality, exceptional service, or innovative features. By effectively positioning your brand, you can carve out a distinct space in the minds of consumers and establish a competitive advantage.

To maximize the impact of your brand strategy, it's important to ensure its seamless integration across all marketing channels. From your website and social media to advertising campaigns and customer service interactions, every touchpoint should reflect your brand's values and personality. Consistency is key to building brand recognition and maintaining a cohesive brand image. Regularly evaluate and optimize your brand strategy to adapt to changing consumer preferences and market trends.

Crafting a robust brand strategy is a crucial undertaking for any marketing agency. By defining your brand, creating guidelines, crafting a compelling brand story, targeting the right audience, positioning your brand effectively, and integrating your strategy consistently, you can build a strong brand that resonates with consumers.

If you're ready to establish a strong and well thought out brand strategy to help guide your business into the future contact us.

You may also be interested in Edgar Allan’s other services like: brand design, brand naming, brand messaging, QA and UAT and content design.

Read the Edgar Allan blog for more information on our services, experiences and opinions as an award-winning Webflow agency.

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