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How Edgar Allan uses Webflow to differentiate enterprise healthcare companies

Enterprise Healthcare Companies | Edgar Allan

As healthcare enterprises strive for digital innovation and ownership over their marketing layer, Webflow emerges as a real game changer that’s easy to use and empowers companies to take full control of their websites. Honestly, that’s one of the biggest reasons why Edgar Allan doesn’t build experiences on any other platform. 

Webflow streamlines the process of managing and updating sites, freeing up valuable time for healthcare teams to focus on their company’s core mission.  

We could go on all day about how awesome Webflow is all day, every day. But in the interest of time, let's explore three reasons why Webflow is the idea platform choice for any healthcare company and five ways Edgar Allan can help leverage the platform.

Three reasons why Webflow works for healthcare enterprises

1. Say ‘goodbye’ to plugins.

Updating plugins in other web development platforms is a tedious and often painful process. (It is in fact one of the main reasons we find organizations want to migrate from Wordpress to Webflow.) Luckily, Webflow doesn’t use plugins. It’s already optimized to make your site faster and more functional, making for a more stable end product that you can update and change on your own terms, any time.

2. Manage site edits without the help of an agency.

Creating complex designs, customizing themes, and building new pages from scratch are typically tasks for technical team members — or a healthcare organization’s agency. That’s not the case with Webflow. With its drag-and-drop interface, anyone can use Webflow even without a lick of development or coding experience.

3. Leverage baked-in SEO controls.

SEO is still often thought of as technical wizardry in some spaces (or unnecessary smoke and mirrors). Add to that the near-endless list of tools you could use to handle your company’s SEO needs, and you have a recipe for frustration. Thankfully, Webflow comes with a bunch of flexible content management tools right out of the box to help make creating an SEO-optimized site easier than ever. Among other smart features, Webflow gives you the ability to control the SEO markup, indexing rules, redirects, and schema markups; and even lets you define meta titles, descriptions, and image metadata, all in the same place.

“Wait. If Webflow’s so great and easy to use, why do I need Edgar Allan?” We’re glad you asked.

Five ways Edgar Allan takes things up a notch to create digital experiences in Webflow for our clients in healthcare

1. We enable healthcare companies at any stage of growth.

Edgar Allan leverages Webflow and a host of industry knowledge to work with companies at every stage of their development. Over the last decade, we’ve partnered with start ups, companies in their second or third round of funding, non-profits, and more across the spectrum of healthcare to deliver water-tight marketing strategies and world-class digital experiences. 

We handle everything from new product and service launches to blowing up brands and building something incredible out of the rubble. We also specialize in preparing new brands for major conferences or announcements. In short, we're down for anything.

Here are some real-life examples of how we, and Webflow, can help your company scale and face the future: 

  • Early stage companies: Edgar Allan helps legitimize new, or early-development companies by crafting unique and scalable digital experiences that grow with you. Brand to build projects are our bread and butter, offering you an all-inclusive, start-to-finish service. No handovers needed. The best part? Once the site’s in your hands, it’s truly yours to own and grow as you see fit.
  • Enterprises: One problem we see often in healthcare is the lack of control over their websites. It’s one of the biggest reasons they want to make the move over to Webflow in the first place (more on this later). We come in to help knock the dust off old designs, migrate website content, and put you on the path to re-establishing your market presence.
  • M&As: Landscapes shift often, companies merge, acquire new business, and develop new products all the time. But there is a hurdle that needs to be overcome here: telling this new chapter of a brand’s story cohesively and impactfully. It’s here that Edgar Allan’s team thrives, bringing scores of brand strategy experience to the table to firm up what’s next for your company’s story. 

2. We create truly ownable digital experiences.

To those of us with exposure to the industry, it’s no secret that healthcare if often a bit behind the curve digitally, and overall has a platforming issue. Too often, marketing teams are consigned to using archaic systems that are near-possible to update without the help of a third party or dev shop. It’s time consuming, expensive, and leads to a lack of ownership that creates a feeling of powerlessness over something you should be able to fully own and manage.

That right there is one of Webflow’s biggest strengths: ownership. Even with a small marketing team, Webflow sites are easy to change, add to, and edit whenever, wherever. 

3. We build tools for Webflow agencies and enterprise brands alike.

There are two things we’re always thinking about at Edgar Allan. The first is how to make creating experiences on the web accessible for everyone, and the second: expanding on Webflow’s power with solutions created to help businesses and other agencies build a better internet. In entertaining these two obsessions, we brought two of our proudest accomplishments into the world: 

  • Wes: Developed for Webflow Enterprise customers across any industry, Wes enables healthcare SaaS companies and the like to create secure brand portals that reference tons of data, deploy sites to secure servers within your organization that meets your internal security needs, and a whole bunch more. It’s especially great for enterprise healthcare because Wes makes achieving data residency and maintaining HIPAA compliance easier through its robust data security and deployment functionality.
  • Slater: Whoever said creating custom JavaScript and plugging into Webflow was easy had no idea what they were talking about. Unless, of course, they were using Slater to do it. Slater is our very own code editor and AI tool that empowers anyone to code anything in Webflow. With it, you can learn alongside the AI assistant and create anything you set your mind to – from video games to complex interactions – and easily drop it into your Webflow environment.

4. We always put audiences and stories first.

We believe that there’s nothing more important than telling a story and having a story with your audience. In leading with narrative and putting audiences at the center of everything we do, we form bridges between brands and their customers, creating deep connections between the two. This marketing strategy is especially important in healthcare, where serving your audience’s needs and delivering on promises is so vital for success. 

We’re able to create impactful experiences for businesses we partner with by asking the right questions, understanding who you’re talking to, and keeping them at the center of our process. 

5. We execute every project with speed and agility.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about healthcare it’s that time is of the essence. Without the luxury of employing an agency to spend months developing branding and then spend more time developing a website, enterprise healthcare companies need a partner who can move from brand to build quickly. Luckily, that’s one of Edgar Allan’s specialities. 

While we work on a brand, we simultaneously conduct research and make an informed first pass we can then iterate on and fine tune. Then, once we’ve seen a project through and a site’s been handed over, the companies we work with gain full control of their marketing layer. This allows them to iterate and move with the speed of their market to handle product updates and additions without having to jump through any hoops or rely on another outside agency to do the work. 

Enough talk — here’s some walk

Over the last decade, Edgar Allan’s worked with companies across the broad spectrum of healthcare, like INVOcell, Virta Health, Kate’s Club, Emory University School of Nursing, and Fabric Health. It’s this exposure that has given us the opportunity to dive deep into the industry and fully understand it. 

We’ve learned all the pain points, jargon, systems, processes, and more to provide enterprise healthcare with services they need from an agency that truly gets it. 

How can we help?

Reach out to talk projects, products, brand, content, or no-code philosophy.
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